We would like to introduce you to Rajani, a Registered Nurse in our Accept Differently Abled team.
Accept Care employs a number of Registered and Enrolled Nurses across both our Disability and Aged Care teams. Our Registered Nurses are passionate about caring for and supporting people to live as independently as possible, and achieve their goals.
We spoke to Rajani about her role at Accept Care, and why she enjoys working with us.

Tell us a bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.
My name is Rajani Bhattarai and I am a Registered Nurse at Accept Care. I am from Nepal and moved to Australia in 2008, to study further. I fell in love with Adelaide so I decided to call it my home. As a mum of two young kids, I love to travel and spend time with family.
How long have you been at Accept Care and what was your experience prior to that?
I have worked at Accept Care since 2021 and as a registered nurse since 2006. My experience comes from working as a theatre nurse, then as an aged care nurse. While studying, I also worked in the community looking after a client with disability, supporting her to live in her own home with her mum.
What do you love most about your job at Accept care?
I am very pleased to be a part of a very supportive and welcoming team, and I love the positive attitude and vibes we share. When I had only recently joined Accept Care, I was made to feel part of the team straight away. Everyone gets along and works really well together, and we help each other out whenever there are challenges. Our team manager is very easy going, supportive and available for whenever you need her. I feel very lucky to have a manager like her.
Tell us about your most memorable moment.
A special moment for me was when I was asked to go inside a participant’s house and meet the participant after I had only visited a few times. The first few times I visited this participant, the family member would just swap paperwork with me from a small opening at the door. So I was surprised and happy when I was asked to come in and meet the participant.
What do you love about your role?
Sharing the journey! In this role I am blessed and honoured to be provided with the opportunity to build relationships with people, to hear their stories and to walk alongside them to ensure they feel empowered, have the strategies they need, and are supported to be the best version of themselves.
What advice would you give to someone considering a career in disability/mental health?
You learn on the job, and grow every day when working in disability/mental health. Working in Disability/mental health might just give you the job satisfaction that you have been craving.
If you could sum up your job in 5 words, what would they be?
Care, compassion, friendly, supportive and great team.
Have you heard of our community nursing service? Our experienced nurses can perform a wide range of once off or regular services in your home. Visit www.accept.care/community-nursing for more information or call our office on 8251 5186 to speak to our team.